Site Notice
Responsible for the content of these pages is the Chaostreff Osnabrück e.V..
Internet site
Chaostreff Osnabrück e.V.
c/o AStA der Universität Osnabrück
Alte Münze 12
49074 Osnabrück
Further ways to contact us are listed on the start page of our website.
The Chaostreff Osnabrück e.V. is registered in the register of accociations at the Amtsgericht Osnabrück under the number 201413.
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This website contains links to third party websites (external links). These websites are the responsibilities of the respective operators. The content of the linked websites has been checked by us (the operator of the current website) on their first linkage with respect to possible statutory violation and we have not found any legal violation. We have no influence on the content of the linked pages. We cannot permanently control these externally linked pages with respect to statutory violation without concrete hints. On awareness of statutory violation these external links are removed immediately.