Privacy Policy
The Chaostreff Osnabrück e.V. stores just that much personal data as is absolutley necessary in order to offer information and services to visitors and members in reliable and safe way.
We ourselves operate the server as a VServer with all services. An evaluation of the logfiles of the services will be done exclusively by ourselves und only to detect possible errors or intrusion attempts.
We therefore decided explicitely to avoid the usage of cookies and tracking tools for the analysis of the data traffic like e.g. GoogleAnalytics.
We only pass any parts of the collected data according to legal demands e.g. to law enforcement authorities or tax authorities.
Subsequently, we break down exactly at which opportunity we store which data for what time period. The subsequently mentioned password storage does not mean the plain text storage of the password but the storage of the password hashes instead. We further describe the steps necessary to delete those data that are not deleted automatically.
Visit of our Website
Logfiles of the Web Server
Source-IP-Address, timestamp, used operating system, used web browser, referer URL and visited page.
Location of our Regular Meeting
We link OpenStreetMap to visualisze the location of our regular meeting.
Storage and Deletion
Automatic deletion of the web server logfiles as soon as they are elder than 10 days.
Use of our Public Video Chat
The open source software Jitsi Meet is used to transmit video and audio signals. Based on WebRTC, data and media streams are transmitted encrypted via Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) and Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP). However, WebRTC does not (yet) offer the possibility of encrypting video chats with several people end-to-end. This means: On the transport route or in the network the video chat is encrypted, but on the video chat server the entire data traffic is decrypted and can therefore be viewed by the provider.
As the provider we do not store any information about you or the video chats. Nothing is logged or saved/recorded. The logging level is reduced to such an extent that not even the IP addresses of the users are recorded.
However, each Jitsi server stores a minimum of data in the local storage of a web browser. The local storage is a modern form of so the called cookies. The stored data make the usage of Jitsi more comfortable and they comprise e.g. the recently visited conferences and the display name of a user within a conference.
Any NAT client can determine its pulic IP address using an STUN server and can thereby establish a direct connection between participants. uses an own STUN server running on the same server. This Jitsi server is dimensioned for many concurrent users and conferences.
If you do not trust us as the provider, you also have the possibility of hosting your own Jitsi Meet instance.
Member Administration
Contact Data
Firstname and lastname, date of birth, street, postal and location, email address, phone number, GnuPG fingerprint, Chaos-Nr. and transfered contributions.
Storage and Deletion
All data of former members will be deleted according to statutory provisions.
Member Account for Services
A member account is exclusively reserved to members. It will be created first, if requested by a member using an informal email to:
Account Information
Username, firstname, lastname and password.
Provided Services
A member account provides following services on our server to any member: Login shell, IMAP-/SMTP server and Jabber server.
Storage and Deletion
Deletion of a member account by informal email to:
Services for Members
Logfiles when using the Login Shell
Source IP address, timestamp of login and logout and the username. Optional: Every user can decide, if executed shell commands are saved as shell history.
Logfiles of the IMAP/SMTP Server
Source IP address, timestamp and username. When using our SMTP server the contacted SMTP server is stored as target IP address.
Logfiles of the Jabber Server
Every login and logout process, the last ten messages of multi-user chats in our chat rooms are stored and provided on entry of a chat room. All other messages are deleted automatically. Long messages (including images) are stored automatically in a clipboard. They are deleted automatically after 24 hours. No messages are stored during any two-party chat.
Storage and Deletion
Automatically deletion of the logfiles of all services as soon as they are elder than 10 days.
Web Key Directory (WKD)
Each member can request by an informal email to his public GPG key to be stored in the WKD of the domain of our association. This requires the association email address of the member being an identity of the public GPG key. Deletion of the public GPG key: By an informal email to .